E-Mail to James Hall, NTSB Chariman
August 27, 2000
MR. Hall
It was a really fine public relations effort, but I am afraid a pea
soup fog-bank rolled in that never lifted about 0915 on the first morning
when your security people carried off Mr. Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media
for passing out a Washington Times TWA 800 Witness Alliance Ad.
You call this a Sunshine hearing?
Here is some of what I learned from this low point in American aviation
You don't honor your written word. Where was the discussion about
radar evidence of a missile impact and it's debris field and the many other
issues ARAP has raised as you promised in your last letter to me?
You didn't release the party investigators from their oath to remain silent
about the findings which is normally done when the board adopts the final
report. Why? Are you trying to get through yet another general election
with all the inside investigators still silenced by federal law?
The board was afraid to discuss : the IAM's finding that the center wing
tank did not cause the incident and the Stinger missile tests done in FL
that supported the witnesses but you didn't hesitate in slandering the
800 Americans who trusted this administration and came forward by implying
they were drunk. Why?
Your coordination with the White House in pandering to FL-800 victim's
families and their rich tort lawyers is impressive. How did you manage
to sweeten the pot retroactively for these abused folks just as the hearings
Mr. Goglia was the only member who seems to have a good understanding of
aviation crash issues, it's too bad the other members and your senior staff
have so many severe problems understanding basic science while speaking
about this incident in public.
Rest assured ARAP's final report to congress and every interested aviator
in America will rely on facts and real science, not pandering, politics
or slander.
CDR W S Donaldson, USN ret.
ARAP Investigations http://twa800.com
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