November 18, 1997

Boeing's Press Release after the release of the CIA Video

 "The FBI's assessment that it has not found any criminal evidence in the
 investigation of the loss of TWA Flight 800 does not change the role of
 The Boeing Company role in the continuing effort to determine the
 cause of this tragedy.

 The role of The Boeing Company in the investigation remains the same as
 it has been since the earlyhours following the tragedy. We continue to
 assist the National Transportation Safety Board in their effort to
 determine what happened and we will keep providing whatever information
 and resources we can to help in that effort, including participating in
 the upcoming public hearing.

 Boeing provided information about the design, operation and performance
 of the 747 to the FBI throughout their entire investigation. However,
 Boeing was not involved in the production of the video shown today, nor
 have we had the opportunity to obtain a copy or fully understand the
 data used to create it.

 While we provided basic aerodynamic information to assist in the CIA's
 analysis of the airplane's performance, we are not aware of the data
 that was used to develop the video.

 The video's explanation of the eyewitness observations can be best
 assessed by the eyewitnesses themselves.

 Since the beginning of the investigation, Boeing has never subscribed to
 any one theory. Our role continues to be in determining how and why this
 tragedy occurred. We remain committed to that goal."

(Highlighting added by