Associated Retired Aviation Professionals

CNN Cops Out Big Time

Just got the call I was half expecting.  CNN cancelled.  No one from the 
NTSB, FBI etc. will do the show with me.  CNN says that I can't do the show 
myself because that would not be "responsible journalism."  The NTSB folks, 
however, may appear by themselves.  That is "responsible journalism."  The 
producer and Greta Van Susteren are furious.  Not their fault.  This came 
from the top.  Yesterday, when we set this up, there was no conditions put on 
it.  They told me I probably would do it alone.  The standards for 
responsible journalism seem to have changed over night.

They may still show clips from Silenced, but to what end I do not know.  If 
you ever needed a textbook case of what is wrong with the media, this is it.  
Everything, I am sure, happens for a purpose, so please feel free to share.  
There may be a lesson here.

Keep the faith

Jack Cashell

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