Associated Retired Aviation Professionals

Bill's Status - March 16, 2001

Bill's condition has varied this past week.  On some days he has been very tired and sleeps a lot, on other days he has been alert and very talkative.  They increased one of his medications that is supposed to reduce muscle spasms in his left leg.  We are not sure if it is that or swelling from the radiation that has made him more tired and sleepy.  The radiation does cause some swelling and swelling makes you sleepy.

We were hoping he will be able to start chemotherapy soon, but have not made much progress.  It seems that his oncologist has been on Paternity leave this past week and his radiologist has not been able to make contact to discuss when to start the Chemotherapy.  The drug they plan to use is Temozolomide, which seems to have fewer side effects than normal chemotherapy. 
Here is a website that has a good summary of the treatment:

Bill has been very touched by the many cards and letters he has gotten from the Flight 800 community and I would like to add my thanks as well.

He remains at the St. Mary's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Leonardtown, Maryland.

For anyone who wishes to send a card, his address is:

Bill Donaldson
39175 Cobrum's Wharf Road
Avenue, Maryland 20609

Bob Donaldson

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