Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel
Date/Time: July 14, 2001 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Contact:
Tom Stalcup, 33 Ridgeview Dr., Falmouth, MA 02540
The Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO) is sponsoring an eyewitness hearing on July 14, 2001 at the Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel in Hauppauge, New York from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. The public and media are invited to attend. Throughout the four-year federal investigation into the crash, the first-hand testimony of most of the 736 witnesses was never recorded. Furthermore, witness testimony was banned at the National Transportation Safety Board's November 1997 public hearing. Eyewitnesses to the crash of TWA Flight 800 will publicly testify for the first time at the FIRO hearing. Hearing Agenda: Witnesses will describe their observations related to the crash of TWA Flight 800 and sign an affidavit attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of their testimony. A five-member panel including representatives from FIRO will question each witness, after which the public and media will be invited to ask their questions of the witnesses. RSVP: Seating is limited and can be reserved by contacting FIRO directly at the contact number or email address shown above. Reservations will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. Related Documentation: Review of the Official TWA Flight 800 Witness
Reports, Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization, 2001 (Available
upon request and at
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