Associated Retired Aviation Professionals

July 31, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172 


Heroic Whistleblower Harassed For Revealing FBI Incompetence And Coverup In Chinagate 

(Washington, D.C.) After weeks of harassment by Director Louis Freeh and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, during which FBI agents unlawfully entered the home and seized the computer of Notra Trulock, the patriotic whistleblower of the Energy Department who exposed the Los Alamos national security disaster -- Trulock has been forced to strike back by filing a lawsuit for civil rights violations. The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia this morning, names Louis Freeh and other FBI officials and agents as defendants. Regrettably, the suit proved necessary when Louis Freeh failed to respond to Judicial Watch's
offer to settle the matter. Judicial Watch is legal counsel to Mr. Trulock.

Apparently, the FBI, and other agencies such as the CIA, Energy Department, and the Clinton-Gore Administration as a whole, wanted to silence Notra Trulock from telling the truth about their incompetence and coverup of the most egregious breach of national security in U.S. history at the Los Alamos nuclear lab. Under the absolutely false pretext that Notra Trulock had released national security information, FBI officials and agents violated his civil rights. With the help of Judicial Watch, he will now seek redress from the harm inflicted upon him. In pursuing large damages and other relief, Mr. Trulock will be able to take discovery, which will be most
revealing. Joining Mr. Trulock in this suit is his landlord, Linda Conrad, whose civil rights were also violated. A copy of the complaint can be found at

"Judicial Watch will always be there for anyone who dares tell the truth about government corruption," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch is a public-interest law firm that fights corruption in government. 

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