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WorldNetDaily - Black Boxes - Black Holes - 10-26-02 new

WorldNetDaily - The Truth About TWA Flight 800 - 7-15-02 new

WorldNetDaily - FBI Heads Should Roll - 6-6-02 new

WorldNetDaily - Is Terrorism Ever Punished? - 4-30-02 new

WorldNetDaily - 9-11 Families Sue Saudis - 4-25-02 new

WorldNetDaily - The Warnings About 9-11 - 4-5-02 new

WorldNetDaily - Lies about TWA 800 - Which are the worst? - 3-8-02

WorldNetDaily - Truth - The Chronic Victim - 3-4-02

WorldNetDaily - World Net Daily Poll on Flight 800 - 1-31-02 

WorldNetDaily - Someone Has Finally Talked - 1-31-02

WorldNetDaily - 10 Most Spiked Stories of 2001 - 1-29-02

WorldNetDaily - Was Richard Ried Shoe Bomber No.2? - 1-17-02 new

WorldNetDaily - Clinton and Terrorism - 12-17-02 

WorldNetDaily - Say it Ain't So, Jim - 12-14-01

WorldNetDaily - Here we go Again - 12-6-01

WorldNetDaily - Another Look at Egypt Air Crash - 12-3-01

WorldNetDaily - Cashill to Discuss Flight 587 Case - 11-20-01

WorldNetDaily - Osama Who? - 11-19-01

WorldNetDaily - Flight 587 Crash was No Accident - 11-19-01

WorldNetDaily - Thinking the Unthinkable - 11-13-01

WorldNetDaily - Kallstrom's Quest for Redemption - 11-12-01

WorldNetDaily - Clinton Blames America - 11-9-01 

WorldNetDaily - Ossama's Nuclear Bomb - 11-8-01 

WorldNetDaily - Why We Were Caught Off Guard - 11-1-01 

WorldNetDaily - Time to Come Clean - 10-29-01 

WorldNetDaily - Middle East - OKC Connection - 10-21-01 

WorldNetDaily - Middle East - OKC Connection -10-20-01 

WorldNetDaily - Shippers on Metcalf Today - 10-15-01   NetTalkDaily 8:00 pm ET  -  Transcript 10-23-01

WorldNetDaily - Satellites Tell the Truth - 10-13-01  

WorldNetDaily - Why Airline Security Failed - 10-9-01  

Bin Ladenbin Laden:  The man who declared war on America - Bodansky, 1999  
Excerpt from page 325 :
"The Islamist terrorists did not arrive lightly at considerations of using weapons of mass destruction. International terrorism is in the midst of a quest for the super spectacular terrorist strike.  There is a growing urgency among the terrorism-sponsoring states to strike out at the heart of the West - especially the United States - and to be able to terrorize the Americans and their Allies.  The case of TWA 800 served as a turning point because of Washington's determination and to a great  extent ability to suppress terrorist explanations and float "mechanical failure" theories.  To avoid such suppression after future strikes, terrorism sponsoring states must raise the ante so that the West cannot ignore them. "
    Editors Note:  This book was published in 1999 and has been listed on this website since that time.  His description of "raising the ante" has a chilling ring after the World Trade Center attack.  When viewed in the context of current events and with 100 eyewitnesses seeing a missile, does anybody really think that Flight 800 was not a terrorist act?

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Real Bin Laden -10-8-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Will US imitate Israel's Airline Screening? - 10-3-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Why John Kerry Talks about Flight 800 - 10-1-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Fight Yes, Number No - 10-1-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Real Enemies - 9-27-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - How Gore Aborted Air Safety - 9-24-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Deception for Dollars - 9-21-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The "Bombing" of Flight 800 - 9-17-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - It Could Have Been Worse - 9-17-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Inconvenient Facts - 9-5-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - New Dog, Old Tricks - 9-1-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Media's Selective Outrage - Part 1 -8-30-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Exposing the FBI's Red Herring - Part 1 -8-30-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Exposing the FBI's Red Herring - Part 2 -8-31-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - TWA800 Reporter Sees Media Hypocrisy -8-29-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Fight Goes On - 8-25-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Government Critic Dies of Brain Tumor -8-24-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Cracks Appear in Fuel Tank Charade -8-16-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Incredible Shrinking Climb - 8-13-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - An Open Letter to John Ashcroft - 8-10-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Filmmaker Responds to Justice -8-9-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Justice Department Rips Flight 800 Video - 8-8-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Demise of the TWA Flight 800 Cover-up?-8-8-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Exploding Hypotheses Part II- 7-27-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Exploding Hypotheses Part I - 7-26-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Imaginary Flagpoles -7-23-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Collapse of American Journalism -7-20-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Feds Keep Voice Recorder Data Hush Hush - 7-11-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Fateful Four Seconds - 7-9-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Unraveling the Cover-up -7-2-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Cover-up Begins to Unravel -7-1-01

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - The Cover-up Begins to Unravel -6-29-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Flight 800 Expert on Metcalf -6-26-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - TWA 800 Controversy Heats Up -6-25-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - My Flight 800 "Experience" -6-11-01 

New video documentary makes compelling case for shootdown
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice,  Part 1 - 6-4-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice,  Part 2 - 6-5-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice,  Part 3 - 6-6-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice,  Part 4 - 6-7-01 
WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice,  Part 5 - 6-8-01 

WorldNetDaily Exclusive - Haunting evidence of missile attack   5-31-01 

Index of other WorldNetDaily articles on Flight 800 

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