Re: I Know The Missile Huggers Will Hate To Hear It But This Will Hopefully Be My Last Posting Here

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Posted by Rick Savage on September 27, 19100 at 06:31:29:

In Reply to: Re: I Know The Missile Huggers Will Hate To Hear It But This Will Hopefully Be My Last Posting Here posted by Trevor on September 24, 19100 at 11:00:47:


Thanks for the support. You said the magic words: "corroborating evidence."

I've been trying to convince a few of the more popular conservative news sites on the Internet (e.g. WorldNetDaily, NewsMax, etc) that if they really want to start converting skeptics regarding the enormity of our government's corruption and of the major media's treasonous complicity, they need to make a basic change in their approach. So far, they aren't listening.

Specifically, I've been trying to convince them that they need to quit writing exclusively for us conspiracy buffs (they had ME with "Hello") and start translating their various exposes into a more skeptic-friendly format. More specifically, they need to summarize, fully document and stick-to the facts. So far, their facts are consistently spread out, poorly documented and laced with emotion. Consequently, skeptics don't stay around long or come back often.

I suggest that by thusly augmenting their approach, not only would wandering skeptics have something they might actually read, but us conspiracy buffs would have something we could pass on to our skeptical associates -- who might then pass it on to theirs…

And there must be 50 different scandals involving the Clinton Administration that could be thusly, and usefully, summarized. These 50 "fact sheets" could be maintained in their own separate section and regularly updated.

I'm suggesting that in order to have a real impact, the "alternative" media, somehow, needs to get their message to the skeptical masses. I'm suggesting that in order to do that, they need to strengthen and streamline their product and then - since they won't get any help from the "establishment" media - develop a kind of "network marketing" using their own fans.

Anyway, what I posted here was a somewhat crude attempt to streamline the TWA800 expose by summarizing, and sticking-to, the "facts". Though, I shouldn't call them facts quite yet, as I haven't documented them yet -- I haven't supplied the corroborating evidence. Which gets to the point.

Acehai and I are now trying to gather up the best links and citations possible for the various claims I've made. Along the way, I'm sure that we will be forced to delete some of the claims, revise others and add still others.

What I'm finally getting at is that you (and Stan, and Jay and whoever) could help a lot by pointing out discrepancies and inaccuracies in our list, attaching your best links and citations for the different claims, and adding whatever relevant facts we're missing. The Internet gives us such a potential for cooperating on these things that we'd be absolute fools not to use it.

Together, we should be able to put together a really solid fact sheet. We would then submit it to NewsMax, ask that they post it and urge their readers to pass it on to their associates. Hopefully, that could all happen by a few weeks before the elections…

In case you would like to reach me more directly, my email address is

What do you think?

: Rick,

: That's a fine post, I for one would like to see some of your corroborating evidence for these 'facts'.

: I don't dispute them, no more than I dispute James Sanders evidence, he got 'in there' and took pictures, and he's prepared to fight his corner with all-comers - including nobodies like me.

: Welcome to the mad-house......

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