Associated Retired Aviation Professionals
Post Office Box 90, Clements, Maryland 20624 USA

CNN Cops Out Big Time

CNN - Jack Cashell will appear live tomorrow evening on CNN's The Point with Greta Van Susteren at 7:30 Central.  The subject: TWA 800.  CNN will also air clips of the video documentary, Silenced, on this, the 5th anniversary of the crash. 7-16-01
WND's Flight 800 Expert on CNN Tonight - 7-17-01 
CNN Cops Out Big Time - 7-17-01 
E-Mail to Greta Van Sustren - CNN The Point -7-17-01 
E-Mail response from Greta Van Sustren -7-18-01
FOX NEW Channel will air a Flight 800 Program at 3:30 Saturday and 9:00pm Sunday.
Glen Schulze is scheduled to be a guest tomorrow on Lou Epton's show at 0930 -1100 AM PDT 
Thursday, July 26, on KLAV.  You can listen in off the net by going to
CNN Reverses Itself on TWA 800 - Thanks to the intervention of AIM's Reed Irvine, friends of the truth within CNN, and hundreds, if not thousands, of angry emailers, CNN has reinvited Jack Cashill to be back on The Point with Greta Van Susteren.  Barring the unforeseen, the show will air on Thursday, August 2 at 8:30 PM EDT. 
CNN Cancels Cashill Again -  I have just been told by Bruce Perlmutter, Van Susteren's executive producer, that they have canceled the TWA segment for tonight. They just changed their minds between last Friday and now. He said they had other people who wanted to go on the show with Jack Cashill, but they decided not to do TWA 800 without giving it further study. However, I am told that they were having trouble getting anyone to go on with Jack, and they didn't want to do it with him as the only guest. It was all right to have Hall as the only guest on the 17th, but for Cashill they have to have "balance." I recommend strong protests be sent to Philip Kent, President, CNN News Group, One CNN Center, Atlanta, GA 30303, FAX 404-827-3339. --8-2-01 
WABC (radio) New York  - 4 hour program in which multiple recently retired government analyst types with first hand knowledge of what they are saying, will make stunning Flight 800 revelations -- 9pm to 1am Saturday night. 
Analysis of Radio Show:

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