Associated Retired Aviation Professionals

    Current News and Information
WTC Plot Known Since 1995 - 9-20-01 
Calendar Showed Plane Crashing Near Manhattan -NewsMax-9-27-01 
The Crash of TWA Flight 800 - by Ian Goddard Part I
The Crash of TWA Flight 800 - by Ian Goddard Part II
The Crash of TWA Flight 800 - by Ian Goddard Part III
Blast or "The Evolution of the Truth"
Newsday - Clinton "Visibly Shaken" - 7-19-1996 
New York Times - Jet's Landing Gear is Said to Provide Evidence of a Bomb - 7-31-1996 
New York Times - Fuel Tank's Condition Makes Malfunction Less Likely - 8-14-1996 
New York Times - F.B.I. Says 2 Labs Found Traces Of Explosive on T.W.A. Jetliner - 8-24-1996 
New York Times - New Focus on Malfunctions In Inquiry on T.W.A. Crash -9-19-1996 
Where are They Now? Robert Francis - 9-5-01 
News Channel 12 - Families Joint Lawsuit -9-6-01 
Airport Security Reinforced - 9-12-01
FAA Approves Goodrich 737 Wire Separation System -9-13-01 
Letter to a Madman - 9-12-01
Arm Pilots - 9-12-01 
Free Handgun Training offered to Airline Pilots -9-12-01 
The Price We Pay - Adam Mayblum -9-12-01 
Open Letter to a Terrorist - Charles Brennan, 18 - 9-13-01 
Who Did It? - An Alternative Report from Janes's Defense Report - 9-19-01 
WorldNetDaily - "Adding to U.S. concerns, several hundred U.S. shoulder-held anti-aircraft weapons ('Stingers') are still at large in Afghanistan," said the report, "and – because of bin Laden's financial resources – it is highly likely he has acquired some of them." -9-19-01 
Weather Forecast for the Mid East: Forecast weather for Kabul, Karachi, Baghdad and Damascus for the week of 9/24/2001: Very brief period of extremely bright sunlight followed by variable winds of 2000 knots and temperatures in the mid to upper 6000 degrees range with no measurable moisture. SPF 12000 sun block highly recommended if standing near an outside structural wall of less than one meter thick. Have a nice day Mr. Bin Laden Military History Lesson - Dr. Tony Kern, Lt Col, USAF (Ret) -9-14-01 - Feds TWA 800 Theory Crashes - 8-9-01 
FOIA Appeal to NTSB - by Capt. Ray Lahr -9-24-01 
Washington Post - Land Mines, Aging Missiles Pose Threat - 9-25-01 
Attack on America -9-11-01 
Letter to CNN - by Al Mundo -9-25-01 
International Herald Tribune - What About the Taliban's Stingers?  -9-26-01 
bin Laden Photo Op -9-27-01 
FOIA Appeal to NTSB - by Capt. Ray Lahr - 9-27-01 
AP-Ukraine Denies Downing Russian Plane - 10-4-01 
CNN - Russian Jet Hit by Missile - 10-4-01 
NewsHour - Airport Security - 9-12-01 
E-Mail from an Ensign - 10-5-01 
Satirist View of Terror Attack -10-5-01   Requires PowerPoint to view.  If you don't have PowerPoint, click here to download PowerPoint Viewer.
Message from Boeing -10-5-01  Requires PowerPoint to view.  If you don't have PowerPoint, click here to download PowerPoint Viewer.
Letter to the Washington Post from Reed Irvine - 10-5-01 
Pataki Taps Kallstrom -10-10-01 
Letter To NTSB Managing Director Daniel Campbell -10-9-01 
New York Times - Terrorism Arrests -10-11-01 
Suffolk Life (Long Island) Editorial - 10-3-01 
AviationWeek - FAA: A Failure of Aviation Security - 10-8-01 
Wired News - FBI Warns of "Skyfall" Attack - 10-12-01 
ABC - Missile Blamed for Crash - 10-12-01  "According  to Ukrainian media reports, metal fragments similar to shrapnel contained in the missile's warhead, were found in victims' bodies and in the body of the plane."  Editor's Note:  Maybe this is why the FBI won't release the Medical Examiner's Report on the Flight 800 victims.  
Chicago Tribune - Americans Facing Missile Made in the USA - 10-21-01
Accuracy in Media - Less Freedom of Information - Reed Irvine - 10-25-01 
Critique of On-Line Journalism Course - 10-26-01 
Fuel Tank Explosiveness - 10-26-01 
Iraq Connections to U.S. Extremists - 10-30-01
Full Text of Terror Guide - 11-4-01 
FOIA Appeal to NTSB General Counsel from Capt. Ray Lahr - 11-5-01 
FOIA Appeal to NTSB General Manger from Capt. Ray Lahr - 11-6-01 
Encyclopedia of Terror Revealed - Sunday Times - 11-4-01 
NewsMax - Israeli Author Predicts Third World War - 11-20-01 
Atlantic Monthly - The Crash of Egypt Air 990 - November 2001
Stinger Promotional Video - Circa 1975
Internet Search for TWA800 News - 11-26-01 
Wall Street Journal Commentary- "We are Not Going to Be Hijacked" -9-25-01 
NTSB Destroys Incriminating Evidence - 12-14-01 
AP - FBI Declines to Release Hijack Flight Cockpit Tape - 12-20-01
The Hill - Why we were Asleep at the Switch - Dick Morris 12-12-01 
ARAP E-Mail: I was watching Hannity and Colmes on Fox tonight (12/27). One of their guests was Dick Morris, aid to President Clinton. He was talking about the events of terrorism leading up to 911. He mentioned the "Bombing of TWA 800". I was surprised that neither of the reporters asked him about this. I would of thought that they would of stopped him and asked why he said bombing.  Editor's Note:  ARAP contacted Dick Morris and here is his response:  "I will be referring to the TWA crash in ongoing commentary over the next few weeks and will be sure to mention how the cause of the crash has not been established."
WashingtonDispatch - Sneaker Bomber may Provide Missing Link to Flight 800 - 12-28-01 
Allied Pilots Association responds to comments on Flight 587 Investigation - 1-5-02
ProphecyFlight 800 - The Prophecy by Rosalba Emanuel-King, who's husband was one of the forensic experts who identified the victims of TWA Flight 800.  Amazing facts are revealed according to evidence on the bodies about the cover-up missile conspiracy.  This fact-based fiction novel was written in 1996, but publishers were afraid to print until now.  You can read about it at just type in Flight 800 in the search box.  1-7-02 
SF Cronicle - The Day Ashcroft Censored Freedom of Information - 1-6-02 
New York Times - Report Says Iran Gave Terrorists US Arms - 1-12-02 
Flight Paths of Hijacked Flights on Sept. 11th - 1-26-02 
Letter from a Patriot - 2-4-02 
LA Daily News - Why are flight crews our first line of defense? -2-10-02 
Washington Times - Rockets reportedly fired at two Jetliners - 2-21-02
Reuters - US Book Claims bin Laden met with Iranian Intelligence Officer - 1-15-02
WNEP 16 - What Really Happened to TWA Flight 800? - Special Report by Bob Reynolds -2-26-02
AIM Report - Reed Irvine - 2-25-02 
WNEP - Local Politician May Re-open T.W.A. Flight 800 Investigation
- 3-1-02
WNEP POLL - After watching Bob Reynolds' Special Report, What do you believe brought down TWA-800?

A faulty fuel tank = 316 votes = 22%
A missile = 1096 votes = 78%
NTSB Blames EgyptAir Co-Pilot - 3-15-02
Recent Books on Terrorism
ProphecyBin Laden - Behind the Mask of the Terrorist - Adam Robinson

ProphecyHoly War Inc - Peter L. Bergen

American Jihad - The Terrorists Living Among Us - Steven Emerson  
AP - Co-Pilot Caused EgyptAir Crash - 3-21-02
NTSB Report Final Report on EgyptAir Flight 990 - 3-21-02
Tennerife - A Breakdown in Communications with Tragic Results - 3-27-02 
Ten Worst Civil Aviation Accidents - 3-27-02
EgyptAir Dismisses Crash Report - 3-21-02
Egyptian Aviation Authority Report - 3-21-02

FBI to Let Relatives Hear Flight 93 Tape - 3-23-02
LaTimes - Egypt Air Flight 990 - 3-15-02 
Captain Ray Lahr vs. National Transportation Safety Board - Complaint in Federal District Court - 4-2-02 
WNEP Channel 16 - Flight 800 Case Remains Closed
- 4-4-02 

A new book worth purchasing: "Into The Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press," by award-winning journalist Kristina Borjesson (editor) and Gore Vidal.  Excerpt of "Into The Buzzsaw" review in the Library Journal:  "Significant stories by investigative reporters do not always reach the air or find their way into print; some of them get caught in "the buzzsaw" that rips through both their reporting and their reputations. Borjesson, an Emmy Award-winning reporter, pulls together 18 essays written by journalists who have either personally experienced this buzzsaw or who have closely observed the media industry. Her own reporting on TWA Flight 800 for CBS made her a target of the FBI, who interfered with her investigative work. She was harassed, her computer and reporter's notebook were stolen, and in the end CBS fired her. The experience changed her perception of the media establishment. ..."  Judy Solberg, George Washington Univ. Lib., Washington, DC

New York Times - At Fox News - The Colonel who wasn't.  -4-29-02 

Armed Pilots by Larry Simoneaux, USNA '71 -5-13-02

AP- Anti-Aircraft Missile Launcher Discovered at Saudi Base Used by U.S. Planes -5-11-02

AP - NTSB lists 'most-wanted' safety improvements -5-15-02

FIRO Files Petition for Reconsideration with NTSB - 5-21-02 

NY Post - What Clinton Knew - Dick Morris - 5-21-02  Dick Morris refers to the "Downing of TWA Flight 800"

CNN- All 225 Feared Dead in Tiawan air Crash - 5-25-02 

CNN- Witnesses Heard Explosions -5-25-02 

Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller - 5-21-02

FBI Warns of Shoulder-Fired Missile Threat - 5-30-02 

AP - FBI Issues Missile Launcher Alert - 5-30-02 

Washington Times - Missiles Smuggled into US - 5-31-02 

Times of London - Islamic Terrorists have smuggled Stinger missiles into the US -  8-25-96

Taipei Times - Theories Abound to Explain Cause - 5-31-02

View from Flight 800 at the time and location of the crash - 6-4-02

Important Dates Coming Up - by Michael Hull - 6-4-02 

The TWA Flight 800 Crash: Was It Missiles? - by Gavin Phillips - 6-4-02

The Denver Post - Another Look at TWA Flight 800 - by Ken Hamblin - 6-9-02

Media Monitor - Official TWA 800 Findings Challenged - By Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid - June 10, 2002

Accuracy in Media - TWA Flight 800 Video now available - 6-10-02

Letter from Ray Lahr to Governor Pataki - 6-23-02

DEBKA File - Links to Terrorism - 7-9-02 

Insight Magazine - Seeking New Light on TWA Flight 800 - 7-8-02

Ray Lahr vs. the National Transportation Safety Board - 7-10-02 Capt. Ray Lahr has filed numerous requests to the NTSB for them to provide the calculations used to produce the "Zoom-Climb" scenario which was used to discredit over 100 eyewitnesses.  The NTSB has steadfastly refused to provide this information, so Capt. Lahr filed suit under the FOIA law.  

NTSB's Motion to Dismiss - 7-11-02 

Lahr vs. NTSB - Amended Complaint - 7-13-02 

Lahr vs. NTSB - Response to Amended Complaint - 7-13-02 

Summary of new evidence by John Fiorentino -7-11-02

FBI - Brookhaven Report - 7-13-02

TWA Flight 800 Radar Analysis by FBI-Contracted Radar Expert Michael O’Rourke - 7-13-02

AP - TWA Flight 800 Memorial Unveiled - 7-14-02 

FBI Interview Question List - 7-16-02 This is the list of questions eyewitnesses were asked about the apparent missile.

R.I.P. 7-17-96 by John Fiorentino - 7-17-02 

Long Island News Channel 12 - Anniversary Coverage - 7-17-02 

Sentinel - 6 Years Later - Questions Linger in Flight 800 Crash - 7-20-02

Letter to NTSB Chair - Dr. Vernon Grose - Former NTSB Board Member - 8-2-02 

Letter to Congress - Dr. Vernon Grose - Former NTSB Board Member - 8-2-02 

Philadelphia Inquirer - Amazing Catch in Schuylkill River -8-20-02

A Shot in the Dark - by John Fiorentino - 8-23-02

Truss System Makes Flight 800 Reassembly Possible - 8-24-02

High Speed Imaging of Shock Wave Motion - Penn State University - 8-29-02

Ray Lahr's FOIA Suit - Dismissed without prejudice - 7-29-02

Ray Lahr's FOIA Suit - Refiled FOIA Request - page 1 - 7-31-02

Ray Lahr's FOIA Suit -  Refiled FOIA Request - page 2 - 7-31-02

Ray Lahr's FOIA Suit - Receipt of FOIA Request - 7-31-02

AP - Gov't Orders Boeing Jets Inspected for Faulty Fuel Pumps

Who Was William Kabofovic? - by John Fiorentino - 9-1-02 

The Case Against the Zoom-Climb of TWA Flight 800 - by Ray Lahr - 9-11-02

FIRO Press Release - 9-11-02 

Air - Explosives Found Aboard Royal Maroc Jetliner - 9-27-02 

Chicago Magazine - True Believer  by Steve Rhodes - 10-7-02

MasTalk - The Oklahoma City - September 11th Connection - 10-10-02new

WND - Black Boxes, Black Holes? - 10-10-02new

PBS NewsHour - Warren Rudman refers to "TWA 800 Shoot-down" - 10-31-02 new

PBS NewsHour - Transcript of Senator Rudman's comments - 10-31-02 new

Letter to Senator Rudman from Ray Lahr - 10-31-02new

Fox News - Unidentified Aerial Object over Albany, NY - 10-20-02new

AP- Four Charged in Drugs for Weapons Deal - 11-6-02new

Free Republic - Physical Evidence Points to Foul Play in TWA Flight 800 Disaster - 11-8-02new

Fuel Tank Protection - 11-10-02new

CNN Story the day after Flight 800 Crashed - 7-18-1996  Editor's Note:  Notice the similarities between current events and Flight 800.  Witnesses said Flight 800 "Dropped like a Rock".  The CIA would later claim witnesses seeing streaks saw the plane climbing and burning.  Janet Reno admitted they had two claims of responsibility, claiming a "Jihad".  Later the press would be told there were no claims of responsibility.  Spin Control?
Newsday - Air Security Poses Difficult Choices - 7-26-1996 
Time International - Keeping the Skies Safe - 7-29-1996 
FBI Internal Memo showing two missile launch points - 10-14-96 
Terrorists Smuggled Missiles into America - 8-25-96 
Cockpit's Tangled Remains Leave Investigators Puzzled -8-5-01 
ARAP has recently received information from residents of Long Island that the NTSB has been quietly hauling the remains of Flight 800, other than the mockup, to the Coram Long Island Dump for salvage.  12-4-01 
The Sunday Times (London) - Terrorists Smuggled Missiles into America - 8-25-96
Flight 800 - Stinger Prime Suspect - 4-29-99 
How a Missile Might Have Brought Down Flight 800 - 7-23-96 
Air Forces Monthly - Uncivil Air War - The Shoot down of TWA Flight 800 - 11-96
Clinton addressing congress about Terrorism Bill:  "The president stressed it's important to get the legislation out before the weekend's recess, especially following the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park and the crash of TWA Flight 800".  Full CNN article. - 7-30-1996 
New York Times - Saudi Arabia & Iran - 4-12-98 

Tower Tape - Flight 800's last moments -4-17-02   RealAudio tape of TWA Flight 800's last 5 minutes and 7 more minutes of sightings by other aircraft.  

Washington Post - Missile an Unlikely Cause of TWA Plane Crash, Says Army - 9-24-96

Letter to Senator Spector on the CIA refusal to bargain with the Afghans for unused Stinger Missiles - 10-20-95new

FBI Congressional Testimony on Laboratory Support for Flight 800 - 5-10-99newExerpt:  "..numerous eyewitnesses reported seeing flarelike objects and other events in the sky. Within a day, the law enforcement team had interviewed numerous eyewitnesses, including some who witnessed the events while in the air, and many of them provided credible accounts of these flarelike objects. Recognizing the limits of our own capabilities, the FBI contacted the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and requested assistance in evaluating these reports of events in the sky.

Two days after the crash, experienced analysts from DIA's Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MISIC) were on the scene in Long Island and accompanying FBI Agents on interviews and reinterviews of some of the eyewitnesses. The MISIC personnel who reported to Long Island are among the U.S. Government's foremost experts on shoulder launched surface to air missiles, known as MANPADS. They reported to us that many of the descriptions given by eyewitnesses were very consistent with the characteristics of the flight of such missiles."

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