Associated Retired Aviation Professionals

Updates from February 2000 to December 31, 2000

December 31, 2000 - 4:00 pm
Current News:
Reuters - Remains of 33 EgyptAir crash victims flown home - 12-30-00
Tower Transcript Shows Witness to Boat Leaving Crash Site - 12-31-00

December 30, 2000 - 11:00 am
Current News:
Letter to Senator Inhofe from Reed Irvine - Accuracy in Media - 12-30-00

December 29, 2000 - 10:00 am
Current News:
TWA was not a unique Missile Event - Hull Thread -12-29-00

December 26, 2000 - 12:00 pm
Breaking News:
New Witness Sketch located - Previously "Lost" By FBI - 12-26-00

December 22, 2000 - 3:00 pm
Breaking News:
FIRO - Witness Sketches - 12-22-00

December 19, 2000 - 1:00 pm
Current News:
Seattle Times - NTSB Chirman Hall to Resign
TWA FLIGHT 800: Streaks in the Air - Radio 12-19-00 - 7 pm

December 18, 2000 - 3:00 pm
Current News:
AP - Hall to Resign from NTSB - 12-18-00
Reuters - Transportation Safety Board's Hall to Resign - 12-18-00 
Washington Post - Global Threats Against US will Rise, Report Predicts - 12-18-00

December 14, 2000 - 2:00 pm
Breaking News:
4 Seconds Missing from Flight 800 Data Recorder
Flight Data Recorder analysis by FDR Expert Glen Schulze
Full Analysis Now Available
Radar Analysis:
Raw Radar Data Files - Zip Format 
Visitors to

December 8, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Current News:
CNN - But What About Iran? -12-5-00

December 1, 2000 - 10:00 am
Current News:
Air Crashes, Black Boxes & Unsafety Boards 
Moved some older news to Archives
Ed Zehr's Analysis of the Climb Scenario

November 24, 2000 - 9:00 am
Current News:
Associated Press - Boeing Makes Pledge to TWA Memorial

November 15, 2000 - 9:00 am
Current News:
WTNH - Review of Channel 8 broadcast - 11-15-00 - E-Mail to David Mayer - NTSB - 11-15-00 

November 14, 2000 - 9:00 am
Current News:
Correction - Executive Order 13039 is still at White House Web Site - 11-14-00
Washington Post - TWA Flight 800 Hulk to Anchor New GWU Facility -11-14-00
News Channel 8 - WTNM New Haven/Hartford CT - Flight 800 update tonight
Re-open the Flight 800 File Tuesday night at 11 PM on News Channel 8.

November 13, 2000 -4:30 pm
Current News:
Executive Order 13039 Removed from White House Web Site - 11-13-00 

November 10, 2000 -6:00 pm
Current News: - Who Benefited? - 10-28-00 
Aviation Safety Network - Latest Aircraft Shot Down by Rebels -10-31-00 

November 6, 2000 -9:00 am
Breaking News:
4 Seconds missing from Flight Data Recorder

November 1, 2000 -9:30 am
Other relevant information:
PanAm 103 Investigation - Mike Hull's site
Reconstruction Photos

October 30, 2000 -8:00 am
Washington Post - Terrorism Victims Set Precedent - TWA Flight 800 Investigation - Who benefited?

October 26, 2000 -4:30 pm
Breaking News:
Cmdr Donaldson on David Breshnahan show Tuesday, 31 October
Current News:
FBI Congressional Testimony on Terrorism

October 19, 2000 -10:30 am
Breaking News:
Jane's Defense Weekly - Description of Stinger Capability

October 17, 2000 -6:00 pm
Other relevant information:
PanAm 103 Investigation - Explosive Engineer's Findings - 10-17-00

October 13, 2000 -12:30 am
Current News:
National Post - New Theory links plane crashes to secret military beams

October 12, 2000 -11:30 am
Current News:
Associated Press - Study Shows Need for Wiring Upgrade -10-11-00 
Other relevant information:
PanAm 103 Official Investigation Site 
PanAm 103 Independent Investigation Site 

October 11, 2000 -8:30 am
Current News:
London Telegraph - Traces of nitroglycerine found in Flight 800 wreckage - 8-26-96

October 6, 2000 -10:00 am
Current News:
E-Mail to NTSB Chairman Hall
Boeing Fighter Prototype Ups Ante for World-s Largest Military Contract

October 4, 2000 -1:00 pm
Breaking News:
Investigative Journal radio interview moved to tonight

October 1, 2000 -10:00 pm
Breaking News:
Added links to the Investigative Journal and Genesis Communications Network
Cmdr. Donaldson will be on the Barbara Simson show tonight 10-1-2000 at 8pm eastern
Moved some material to Archives
Replaced Message Board with upgraded version

September 30, 2000 -9:30 pm
Breaking News:
Cmdr. Donaldson to be on David Bresnahan's radio show on Tuesday

September 29, 2000 -7:30 pm
Current News:
Blast from the Past:
American Spectator - The Dissent of Flight 800
American Spectator - The goblin on the wing of Fight 800

September 25, 2000 -8:30 am
Current News:
New York Observer - The snoots snub Nader, but I think he's great

September 18, 2000 -10:30 pm
Current News:
Message from FIRO - Eyewitnesses & National Security
Breaking News:
Question about the  Message Board

September 16, 2000 -9:30 pm
Added Update Link to Introduction section
Breaking News:
E-Mail reporting TV broadcast of home video of a missile on 7-17-96

September 14, 2000 -5:30 pm
Current News:
The Observer - Air Crashes Blamed on Military Pulses

September 13, 2000 -8:30 pm
Current News:
Village Voice - Rubber Stamping Flight 800
Village Voice Collection - Past articles

September 11, 2000 -10:00 pm
Current News:
E-mail to Seattle Times
Swissair 111, TWA 800, and Electromagnetic Interference
Mike Hull's Analysis & Website:
    The Tale of the Tapes
    The Mystery of SwissAir 111 
    The Mystery of EgyptAir 990 

September 7, 2000 -10:00 pm
Current News:
E-mail to Seattle Times
Added Google Search at bottom of web page

September 6, 2000 -7:00 pm
Current News:
Dan's Papers - Pilot questions NTSB theory
Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post

September 5, 2000 -7:00 pm
Current News:
Scott Holleran - Review of 2 TWA 800 Books

September 2, 2000 -11:00am
Breaking News:
Aviation Week Poll
Current News:
Statement by ALPA
Letter from a Pilot
Egyptian Pilots Sue Bill Clinton  over EgyptAir Crash

August 30, 2000 -10:00 pm
Current News:
Press Release - NTSB Clears Crane Fuel Pumps

August 29, 2000 -8:00 pm
Current News:
Washington Post - Letter to the Editor - Rejecting Eyewitness Accounts
Tom Stalcup - Letter to the Editor - Case Closed? What case?
Moved July Articles to Archive

August 28, 2000 -9:00 pm
Breaking News:
Cmdr. Donaldson's E-mail to James Hall
Reply from Jim Hall
Transcript of Jim Hall's Statement on August 22, 2000
Current News:
Op Ed the Washington Post refused to print
Corrected link to WorldNetDaily article.
Quote from the Whitley Streiber Show
Insight Magazine - Amazing Report on Crash of TWA 800
Sacramento Bee - Investigation Ought to End Rumormongering
Richard Hirsch & Tom Shoemaker - An Independent Perspective

August 26, 2000 -9:00 am
Breaking News:
A Disgraceful Performance
Current News:
WorldNetDaily - It Was Only Frayed Wiring?
Missile Impact Analysis - China Lake Naval Air Weapons Center
Wing Fragmentation
Mmorial for Ana Duarte-Coiner

August 25, 2000 -6:00 pm
Breaking News:
FIRO Press Conference 

August 24, 2000 -9:00 am
Current News:
Reuters - Boeing says design not key in 747 crash report
AP - NTSB: TWA 800 Downed by Fuel Tank
Report on the NTSB Hearings by Tom Stalcup - Chariman of FIRO
added TWA Submission to NTSB
updated IAMAW Submission to NTSB
added Supervisor of Salvage Report 

August 23, 2000 -9:00 pm
Current News:
Irvine Carried out of NTSB Hearings
AP - NTSB Rules on TWA Jet Crash Cause
Letter to the Editor of Newsday Magazine
Official TWA "Findings" Bogus
Reuters - Electrical Fault Likely Cause of TWA Crash
Reuters - Boeing Design Faulted in TWA 800 Crash
Email to the NTSB

August 22, 2000 -3:00 pm
Current News:
Washington Post- TWA 800 Crash Remains a Mystery
AFP - Independent panel criticizes TWA Flight 800 crash report
Newsday - NTSB Rules on TWA Jet Crash Cause

August 21, 2000 -9:00 pm
Breaking News:
NTSB Website - Documents for Final Hearing

August 20, 2000 -9:00 am
Current News:
Letter to the NTSB from Eyewitness Lisa Perry
Newsday - Flight 800 crash makes old wiring an aircraft issue
ARAP - Press Release

August 19, 2000 -11:00 pm
Breaking News:
Witness 649 Debunks the CIA Video
Current News:
FIRO - Press Release

August 16, 2000 -11:00 pm
Breaking News:
Reuters - Airliner Fuel Tanks Safe, Says Industry Report
New York Times - Flight 800 Report to Show No Exact Cause
International Aviation Industry - Aircraft Fuel System Safety Program Report
Airline Pilots Association - Submission to the NTSB on TWA Flight 800
Current News:
FIRO - Dear Major News Networks, a Request for Euqal Time 
FIRO - Lawsuit against the NTSB
FIRO - Lawsuit against the FBI
Added Reports Section & moved misc. party reports to one place

August 15, 2000 - 10:30 pm
Lookup your Congressman
Breaking News:
Washington Times full page ad by the Flight 800 Eyewitness Alliance
Flight 800 Bumper Sticker
Current News:
AWN - Egyptian Pilots Accuse US Investigators of Cover-up

August 14, 2000 - 9:00 am
Breaking News:
Cmdr. Donaldson's comments on the Stinger Missile Test
FIRO - FBI force-fed mainstream media Flight 800 CIA Propaganda 
Current News:
AFP article on Eqypt Air 990
Fuel Flammability:
Lightning Strikes on Aircraft

August 13, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Added Dr. Greg Harrison, Phd & P.E. to ARAP members page.  Also see his resume'.
Dr. Harrison is a certified fire safety engineer who recently heard Cmdr. Donaldson on the radio and could not believe that the NTSB was still pushing the exploding fuel tank theory.  Dr. Harrison has joined the team and will be an expert witness when it is time to testify on the NTSB's theory.

Added link to photo of Cmdr. Donaldson in Introduction and on Members page.

August 10, 2000 - 8:00 am
Current News:
Reuters - Boeing fails to pinpoint TWA 800 crash cause
Letter from Mike Hull to the NTSB Board

August 9, 2000 - 8:00 am
Current News:
Skeptics Sue for Flight 800 Details
Political Landscape -  A Hero Turns to Mud and Dust
Letter from Mark Berry to his Friends
Reuters - Boeing settles lawsuits
WorldNetDaily - Congressman: Reno a traitor 
TWA 800: Accident or Incident - 1998

August 2, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Current News:
Village Voice - Flight 800's Last Stages - by Robert Davey

August 1, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Breaking News:
Website outage.

July 31, 2000 - 8:30 am
Current News:
NTSB Advisory
Beyone the Unexplained w/Janet Russell
Trulock sues the FBI over Civil Right Violations

July 28, 2000 - 8:30 am
Current News:
Free Republic article

July 25, 2000 - 7:30 am
Current News:
BizTravel article
Roll Call - Traficant Invokes the 5th Amendment 

July 21, 2000 - 8:30 pm
Current News:
Did a meteor strike TWA Flight 800?
Pensacola News Journal - Interview with Dwight Brumley
TWA800 on Ray Bream show, Sat. July 22
E-mail from Cmdr. Donaldson to NTSB

July 20, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Breaking News:
IAMAW Report to the NTSB

July 19, 2000 - 8:30 pm
Breaking News:
Military Stinger Tests
Current News:
Moved some older articles to Media Archives 

July 18, 2000 - 8:30 pm
Breaking News:
Press Conference Summary
Current News:
Added articles from AP, AFP & Reuters & Gannett
Added Memorials section 

July 17, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Breaking News Section:
Added Advance Statement of Cmdr. Donaldson
Added "A Challenge to the NTSB" by Michael Hull
Added AIM press release
Added A Tribute to the Crew of TWA Flight 800
Update - Cmdr. Donaldson cancelled from Paula Zahn show
Current News:
Added NewsDay article on Final NTSB Report
Added ABCNews - Could 100 Witnesses have been Mistaken?
Added MSNBC Coverage

July 13, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Added ARAP Press Conference Information
Added Paula Zahn Interview Information
Reuters article on FAA Nitrogen position
Moved system outage to separate page
Minor edits.

July 11, 2000 - 8:30 pm
Added NewsMax article
FIRO Press Release

July 9, 2000 - 800 pm
New Menu Bar

July 7, 2000 - 800 pm
Misc. edits
Added new article to Traficant Page

July 6, 2000 - 6:00 pm
Converted remaining videos to streaming video. In most cases the first link will be for the streaming video using RealPlayer. The second link will allow you to download the original quicktime file. The quicktime files provided by the NTSB are generally much bigger than the streaming video files.

Reorganized some of the data.  Moved items from Breaking News to Current News and Letters.
Moved Congressman Traficant section to separate page with link from Past Features.

July 5, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added Streaming video link for Explosion test

July 2, 2000 - 10:00 am
Repaired links

June 30, 2000 - 5:00 pm
Added Bulletin Board
Added Search Engine

June 29, 2000 - 11:00 pm
Restored Website on New Server
Worked on fixing broken links
Added Chat Room

June 20, 2000 - 11:00 pm
Moved old articles to media archive
Moved FDR analysis to Other relevant Information Section
Cmdr Donaldson's Letter to NTSB Chairman Hall - 6-19-00 
Video Demonstration of hydraulic ram explosion - 6-19-00

June 12, 2000 - 7:00 pm
Added link to Washington Post letter to the editor

June 10, 2000 - 10:30 am
Added E-Mail from an Eyewitness

June 8, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added link to Etherzone article by Phil Brennan
Added link to Kreiger Comparison at FIRO Website
Added link to CWT Explosion Test at FIRO Website
Added Mark Berry's Song to Susanne

June 7, 2000 - 7:30 pm
Added Howard Mann's comments on FDR analysis
Added Link to

June 6, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Moved some news stories to Media Archives
Deleted "new" tags from many articles
Added Reuters report on Iran Defector
Added Analsysis of the Flight Data Recorder by Richard Hirsch

June 5, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added Reuters - FAA Said Considering New Rules on Jet Fuel Tanks -6-2-00 
Added Reuters - White House Plans to Probe Safety of Aging Wiring -6-2-00

June 2, 2000 - 10:00 am
e-mail to Washington Post article on Stinger Missile Tests
e-mail from Reed Irvine to David Westin

June 1, 2000 - 8:30 am
Washington Post article on Stinger Missile Tests

May 29, 2000 - 8:30 pm
Added Reed Irvine article
Added Cmdr. Donaldson's latest letter to Chairman Hall

May 21, 2000 - 11:30 am
Moved Witness Highlights to separate page with link
Consolidated Witness Section & moved closer to front
Moved old articles to Media Coverage Archives
Added link in Eyewitness section to FBI Shooter Locations Document & Map
Added NYT book review by Andrew Chaikin
Added Mike Hull's e-mail to Andrew Chaikin
Blast from the Past - Testimony of Jim Hall -7-10-97
Blast from the Past - Testimony of James Kallstrom -7-10-97
Blast from the Past - Exerpt from Aviation Subcommittee Hearing -7-10-97 
Commentary on Eyewitness Appendix FF by independent researcher - 4-26-00
Added Response from Jim Hall to Cmdr. Donaldson's Feb 19 letter - 5-17-00
Added link to old letters

May 13, 2000 - 12:30 pm
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix g - Witnesses-600-699 
Individual witness quotes from 539 to 695

May 10, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Added Boeing Report to the NTSB

May 7, 2000 - 10:30 pm
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix g - Witnesses-500-599 

May 6, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix F - Witnesses-400-499 
Individual witness quotes

May 3, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Al Hayat Newspaper Article
NTSB Eyewitness Analysis by Mike Hull
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix E - Witnesses-300-399 
Addendum 1 -Appendix E - Witnesses-700-755
Addendum 1 -Appendix J - FBI Document Catalog
Addendum 1 -Appendix M- Aftermath Observations 
Witness Group - Appendix A - Document Reading Instructions
Witness Group - Appendix C - Audibility of Center Tank Explosion
CIA Videotape

May 2, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix D - Witnesses-200-299 
Addendum 1 -Appendix K - FBI Document Catalog
Addendum 1 -Appendix L - FBI Document Catalog
Addendum 1 -Appendix P- Transcript - Richardson
Addendum 1 -Appendix Q- Transcript - Noyes
Addendum 1 -Appendix R- Transcript - Ruvola
Addendum 1 -Appendix S- Transcript - Johnson
Addendum 1 -Appendix T- Transcript - Weiss
Addendum 1 -Appendix U- Transcript - Palmer
Addendum 1 -Appendix V- Transcript - Spindler
Addendum 1 -Appendix W- Transcript - Rameriez
Addendum 1 -Appendix X- Transcript - Ramos
Addendum 1 -Appendix Y- Transcript - Stueve
Addendum 1-Appendix 2 - Interview Transcript - Carvache
Addendum 1-Appendix 3 - Interview Transcript - Perez
Addendum 1-Appendix 4 - Interview Transcript - Antrobus
Addendum 1-Appendix 5 - Interview Transcript - Sabastian
Addendum 1-Appendix 6 - Interview Transcript - Henry
Addendum 1-Appendix 7 - Interview Transcript - Sediva
Addendum 1-Appendix 8 - Interview Transcript - Scimeca
Addendum 1-Appendix 9 - Interview Transcript - Deodat
Addendum 1-Appendix 10 - Interview Transcript - Jeanmarie
Addendum 1-Appendix 11 - Interview Transcript - Thomas
Addendum 1-Appendix 12 - Interview Transcript - Ortiz
Addendum 1-Appendix 13 - Interview Transcript - Soodeen
Addendum 1-Appendix 14 - Interview Transcript - Stanes
Addendum 1-Appendix 15 - Interview Transcript - Montanez
Addendum 1-Appendix 16 - Interview Transcript - Rathan
Addendum 1-Appendix 17 - Interview Transcript - Bleck
Addendum 1-Appendix 18 - Interview Summary - Various
Witness 8 to Witness 68 individual witness files
Witness 261 to Witness 396 individual witness files

April 27, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Spelling corrections
Instructions to click on Witness Title

April 26, 2000 - 11:00 pm
Created Radar Analysis Section
Created Fuel Flammability Section
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Addendum 1 -Appendix AA- Interview Summary
Addendum 1 -Appendix CC- Definitions and Procedures
Addendum 1 -Appendix DD- Supplemental Doc Request
Witness 72 to Witness 199 individual witness files

April 25, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added Following NTSB Witness CD Documents:
Chairman's Factual Report - Addendum 1
Eyewitness Group Factual Report 
Witness Group Study Report 
Witness Group Recorded Radar Study 
Witness Sight Lines 
Addendum 1 -Appendix A - WitnessMaps
Addendum 1 -Appendix B - Witnesses-1-99
Addendum 1 -Appendix N- Transcript - Baur 
Addendum 1 -Appendix O- Transcript - Meyer 
Addendum 1 -Appendix Z- Transcript - McLlaine
Addendum 1 -Appendix BB- Interview Summary-Russell
Addendum 1 -Appendix EE- FBI Correspondence
Addendum 1 -Appendix FF- CIA Correspondence 
Addendum 1-Appendix 1 - Interview Summary - Mundo 

April 23, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Added Eyewitness Project
Added UPI 4-14-00 article on Bin Laden Successor
Added Newsday article - 4-14-00
Added State Department Briefing from 7-19-96

April 3, 2000 - 11:00 pm
Blast from the Past - Whitehouse press conference -7-18-00
Airline pilot responds to Bernie Loeb

April 3, 2000 - 8:00 am
Added Reuters article on bin Laden
Added Howard Mann's article on CWT

March 30, 2000 - 8:00 am
Added Newsday Article
Added E-Mail to Dennis Crider - NTSB about Exhibit 22c anomolies
Added response from Bernard Loeb - NTSB - Director of Aviation Safety

March 26, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Minor editing

March 25, 2000 - 5:00 pm
Article by Ian Goddard
Article by Tom Stalcup
Video of Jet A Fuel Experiment
Moved Webjump commentary to archives
Moved Accident Database to Other Information Section
Moved Exhibit 9A to Other Information Section 

March 22, 2000 - 9:45 pm
CNN Coverage of Witness Data - 3-21-00 .
Conversion of Fuel Demo to Real Player format

March 21, 2000 - 10:30 pm
Radar of Additional Boats in the area of the crash of TWA Flight 800(16k pdf file)
Jet A Fuel Demo - Cmdr. Donaldson demonstrates properties of Jet A fuel -3-21-00 
Reuters - US probers say TWA 800 witness reports little use - 3-21-00 
AP - Traficant Vows To Fight Govt. Probe -3-21-00 

March 20, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Deleted duplicate links & updated several others
Deleted link to Aviation Safety - Fuel Tank explosions - link no longer valid 
Deleted The Story of Pamela Lychner - by J. R. de Szigethy - link no longer valid 
Deleted Congressman Traficant's Background - by J R de Szigethy - link no longer valid
Deleted Tribune Chronicle - Mob connections in Traficant's past - link no longer valid

March 10, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Corrected link to Rivero web site

March 8, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Added Accuray in Media - Heroes and Villains

March 7, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Added Boeing 747 Accident Database

March 5, 2000 - 100 pm
Moved February News items to Archive
Added WorldNetDaily interview with Chritine Negroni
Added Book Review by Cmdr. Donaldson

March 1, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Moved Aviation Subcommittee link to Traficant section
Added link to Sanders Website in Other web sites section

February 27, 2000 - 11:00 am
Add link to "Sanders Persecution"
Edited formatting
Added link to "Frontspar" thumbnail in Other Information section
Added expanded "Frontspar" image with annotation

February 26, 2000 - 11:30 pm
Add Newsletter
Add - Gerry Evans - Comments on Fuel Volitility
Add - New York Times article from November 1999
Add - Boeing - Air Force Study on Heating of CWT 
Add - List of Victims in Other Information Section
Deleted expired links to other websites
Animation is No Accident at NTSB – May 1998 (located in Video Section)
Add article by Ed Zehr - Going after Boeing
Letter from FBI Counsel A. Robert Walsh to Senator Charles Robb -11-18-98
Moved Radar Analysis to separate page
Moved C-Span Coverage to separate page
Moved Subcommittee on Aviation Testimony to separate page
Moved Missile Search to separate page

February 25, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Add photo of Altered Evidence book cover

February 24, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Correct links on Eyewitness Triangulation

February 23, 2000 - 10:00 pm
Edit book review section
Change heading formating

February 21, 2000 - 8:00 pm
Add Interview with Donald Nibert in Spectrum Magazine
E-mail from Donald Nibert to Rob Chamberlin - House Aviation Subcommittee

February 20, 2000 - 10:00 am
Add link on RadarPlot to graphic
Fixed link to Traficant article
Addition of letter to NTSB Chairman Hall dated 2-19-00

February 19, 2000 - 9:00 pm
Update of the Introduction
Update to Copyright 

February 19, 2000 - 12:00 pm
Change to FBI Trawler Operations Manual page to allow for single page downloading.  Some people have experienced problems loading entire document.
Addition of Tribune Cronicle - More mob connections recorded in Traficant's past 

February 17, 2000
Addition of Aviation Week Article from May, 1999
Addition of New York Observer Article 
Addition of Updates link
Blast from the past - Missiles for Terrorists  moved to Archives
Modified Headings for Current News to separate it from Breaking News
Added Index item for Current News
Added Index item for Radar Analysis & link to full Radar Analysis report
Cmdr. Donaldson's 12-8-99 letter to Chairman Duncan moved to Archives
Cmdr Donaldson on radio moved to Archives
Addition of Analysis of NTSB Exhibit 22c

February 14, 2000
Addition of Insight Magazine Article
Addition of graphic for Deadly Departure Book in link to Amazon

February 7, 2000 - Addition of Supervisor of Salvage Report

I have no record of past updates but will try to maintain this going forward to make it easier for users to determine whether or not they have missed any updates.  From time to time I will reorganize the website and may move some features to separate pages to make it easier to find things.  I will attempt to track those changes here.

Home - Last Updated: 
 © 2000 William S. Donaldson III.  All rights reserved