
Exhibit 1- Fuel Quantities and What They Tell Us - 13k
Exhibit 2- Flight Data Signature of A B747 Center Tank Explosion - 6k
Exhibit 3- 1964: The Rome Center Tank Explosion - 5k
Exhibit 4- Center Wing Tank Scavenge Pump - 23k - Updated 8/16/98
Exhibit 5- Debris Field Plot - 86k
Exhibit 6- The Aircraft Destruction Breakup Sequence - 8k
Exhibit 7- Wing Skin Fragmentation - 73k
Exhibit 8- The 105 Millisecond Loud Sound on the Cockpit Voice Recorder - 8k
Exhibit 9- Seat Residue Test Results - 6k
Exhibit 10- Elecrtical Power Failure and Instrument Readings - 9k
Exhibit 11- NTSB Ignores Last Line of the Flight Data Recorder - 31k
Exhibit 12- Analysis of Flight Data Recorder (FDR) 12-Second Line - 94k - Updated 8/19/98
Exhibit 13- MegaData Systems, Inc. Transponder Plot @ 20:31:13 55k
Exhibit 14- Analysis of Missile Firing Position #1 - 7k
Exhibit 15- Analysis of Missile Firing Position #2 - 19k
Exhibit 16- Triangulation of Witness Bearing Lines - 68k - Updated 8/12/98
Exhibit 17- NTSB Surface Radar Targets - 306k
Exhibit 18- A Critical FBI Assumption Error- 143k
Exhibit 19- Doppler Location Of First Shockwave- 33k
Exhibit 20- Locating The Missile Airburst - 47k
Exhibit 21- Locations of Recovered Seats In The Debris Field - 555k
Exhibit 22- Locations of Recovered Bodies In The Debris Field - 322k
Exhibit 23- Photographs- 562k
Exhibit 24- Eyewitness Accuracy Probabilities - 7k
Exhibit 25- Eyewitness Reports of TWA Flight 800 - 45k
Exhibit 26- Other Reported Missile Sightings - 20k
Exhibit 27- Letter to Deputy Director Kallstrom - 13k
Exhibit 28- Aviation Training And Experience - 22k
Exhibit 29- Affidavit of Naval Aviator V25283 - 5k
Exhibit 30- Statement of Paul Angelides - 13k - Added 8/6/98
Exhibit 31- FBI Response to Congressman Trafficant - 11k - Added 8/6/98
Exhibit 32- 9/24/98 Letter to Louis J. Freeh 22K
Exhibit 33- 9/25/98 Letter to Louis J. Freeh 24K
Exhibit 34- 9/26/98 Letter to Louis J. Freeh 22K
Conclusion- Conclusion- 18k
Exhibit 35 - Letter from Lisa Perry
Exhibit 36 - Aphrodite's Encounter

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