Letters on Flight 800

Letter from Admiral Moorer to AIM Members 
Cmdr. Donaldson's Letters To various officials. 
FBI Response to Rep. Traficant- Text of questions from Congressman Traficant sent to the FBI in April and the FBI response received July 27th. Neither the FBI or the NTSB know the IDENTITY of the Ship that fled the scene at 30 Knots out to sea. - 8-6-98
Letter from Jim Hall to Congressman James A. Traficant - 3-4-99
Congressman Traficant's Letter to Secretary of Defense Cohen - 4-9-99
Letter to the CEOs of Boeing and TWA, dated April 5, 1999 - PDF format. The letter is also available in text format.
Response from Boeingdated April 12, 1999 - 4-29-99 
Letter from Jim Hall to Congressman John Duncan - 4-29-1999
Letter to Congressman Smith, House Ethics Committee, PDF version - 5-24-99 
Letter to Congressman Duncan, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Aviation - 5-24-99 
FIRO - Letter to House Aviation Subcommittee - 6-11-99 
FIRO - Letter to Judge Seybert on Sanders Case - 6-11-99
Donaldson's Letter to Judge Seybert on Sanders Case - 6-21-99
Stephens Letter to Judge Seybert on Sanders Case- 6-16-99
Letter from Paul Marcone - Rep. Traficant's Chief of Staff  10-23-99
Response from Cmdr. Donaldson to Paul Marcone 10-23-99
Letter to NTSB Chairman Hall - 2-19-00 gif version of letter.
E-Mail to Dennis Crider - NTSB - Questions about Exhibit 22c anomalies  - 2-22-00
Response from Bernard Loeb - NTSB - Director of Aviation Safety - 3-30-00
Jim Hall responds to Cmdr. Donaldson's Feb 19th letter - 5-17-00
pdf Version gif Version - Page 1, Page 2
Cmdr Donaldson responds to Jim Hall -5-23-00 
Cmdr Donaldson's Letter to NTSB Chairman Hall - 6-19-00  pdf Version
Video Demonstration of hydraulic ram explosion - 6-19-00
 View with RealAudio Streaming Video or Download the 4.6mb RealVideo File
Washington Post - Letter to the Editor - by Graeme Sephton - 6-12-00
Cmdr Donaldson's Letter to NTSB Chairman Hall - 6-19-00  pdf Version
Cmdr. Donaldson's E-Mail to Jim Hall -8-27-00
Reply from Jim Hall - 8-27-00 
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to NTSB Managing Director Daniel Campbell - 6-18-01 
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to NTSB Acting Chairman Carol Carmody - 6-21-01 
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to Congressman Dan Burton - Govt. Affairs Comm. -6-30-01 
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to NTSB General Counsel Ronald S. Battocchi - 7-11-01 
An Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) - 7-6-01
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to NTSB FOIA Officer - Melba Moye - 8-6-01 
Letter from Captain Ray Lahr to Justice Department Executive Officer - Gwendolyn Turner - 8-10-01 

Links to old letters




  Evidence of a Missile

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Flight 800

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